Literacy in Papua New Guinea
The official literacy rate for Papua New Guinea is 63,5%, however based on what Buk bilong Pikinini has been able to observe in communities across the country since 2007, this figure is grossly inflated. Our observations are backed up by a ‘PNG Literacy Survey’ conducted in 5 provinces in by ASBAE in 2011 (see link below) and by a recent NRI paper by Kilala Devette-Chee, ‘Illiteracy: a growing concern in Papua New Guinea, 2021’ (see link below).
The situation in most schools is one of over-crowded classrooms, a total lack of books/teaching resources and teachers in great need of training and support. These factors are not conducive learning and many children drop out of school after just three-four years and remain illiterate for life. PNG currently lacks behind its regional neighbours in terms of literacy and much remains to be done to provide PNG’s children with an adequate education.
Please see links below to recent literature, which will assist you to gain more information about literacy in PNG and to understand why we need your help. In addition to the work we do to establish Library Learning Centres, restore school and public libraries, publish books and train teachers we advocate for the importance of literacy during Literacy Week in September each year. Please refer to our Advocacy page for past and present activities taking place in our Library Learning Centres for Literacy Week.
Media story by Panic Beat on the ABC with video, 2022:
Recent paper by Kilala Devette-Chee, Illiteracy: a growing concern in Papua New Guinea, 2021:
A 2011 Literacy survey of 5 PNG provinces:
Further links with regards to the illiteracy situation in PNG: